I Am What I Am
This acclaimed and highly entertaining animated feature film is POW Studios’ second creative partnership with Director Haipeng Sun and Yi Animation.
Described as ‘a ridiculously satisfying underdog sports story’ by Hollywood Variety the film has enjoyed success at the box office in China, and the POW team is particularly proud of this trusted creative-led collaboration.
Working closely with Haipeng Sun and composer Luan Hui, both based in Guangzhou China, we finished full sound editorial, sound design, foley and re-recording services for the Mandarin and Cantonese versions, fully remotely from our studios in Wellington New Zealand.
With huge appeal to anyone from the Chinese disaspora around the world, the film’s Lion Dancing theme is heart felt. The story tells of a young Cantonese village boy who must overcome self-doubt, ridicule and classism to realise his dream of competing in the Guangzhou Lion Dancing championship.
Original Title: Xiong shi shao nian
Post Production Sound: Sound Design, Editorial (Dialogue, Effects), Foley, Pre Mixing & Final Re-Recording, Both Mandarin & Cantonese Versions
Yong-Le Chong - Re-recording Mixer
Matthew Lambourn - Sound Designer
John McKay - Supervising Sound Editor
Carrie McLaughlin - Foley Artist
George Palmer - Sound Effects Editor
Callum Scott - Foley Recordist
Drew Youngs - POW Studios Executive Producer