The reviews are in!

Matt Lambourn and Tony Sutorius at the world premiere of Helen Kelly: Together

Matt Lambourn and Tony Sutorius at the world premiere of Helen Kelly: Together

We are so proud of Helen Kelly: Together and Births, Deaths and Marriages getting the acclaim they deserve.

If you have been on the fence about seeing these films at the festival this year, you will find plenty of reasons to check them out in the reviews and interviews below.

Graeme Tuckett reviews: Helen Kelly: Together. Births, Deaths and Marriages

Helen Kelly: Together looks at the last days of a Kiwi hero

Filmmaker Tony Sutorius on Helen Kelly's last stand

The POW Team at NZIFF

The POW Team at NZIFF

Bea Joblin at the world premiere of Births, Deaths and Marriages

Bea Joblin at the world premiere of Births, Deaths and Marriages

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